QuickSwap Launches a Dragon’s Syrup Pool for Orbs

Eran Peled
Eran Peled


3 years ago


Orbs and QuickSwap are excited to announce the launch of Orbs on the Dragon's Syrup Pool!

A Quick Recap:

The Orbs project has been expanding its ecosystem over the last year, moving towards integration with all major blockchains. One of the most exciting integrations was with Polygon, which was accomplished by bridging the ORBS token into Polygon, and then integrating  the bridged Orbs token with QuickSwap, the Polygon DeFi ecosystem's biggest and most active DEX-AMM.. As of this writing, QuickSwap has over $879M in Total Value Locked (TVL) and over $59M in daily volume.

According to QuickSwap's Orbs token page, currently, there are several active ORBS pools on QuickSwap:

  • USDC-ORBS, with liquidity of ~$969k

  • ORBS-QUICK, with liquidity of ~$62k

Dragon's Syrup: a New Way to Generate Yield on QuickSwap

The "Dragon's Syrup" is a program launched by QuickSwap to allow $QUICK token stakers to earn extra rewards by staking their $dQUICK (the asset you receive when you deposit your Quick into the staking contract) to earn tokens that are traded on the DEX.

Put simply, users deposit QUICK, and get a variable rate of dQUICK in return. The value of dQUICK increases over time as swap fees are generated. When unstaking (or "withdrawing" from the staking contract), your dQuick is burned, and you get back more QUICK than you put in --- based on the dQUICK rate.

Dragon's Syrup enables QUICK stakers to generate an extra yield from staking in the Dragon's Lair by distributing tokens to those who stake their dQUICK in the Dragons' Syrup rewards pools.

Here's How it Works:

  1. Provide liquidity in the 'ORBS Pools' to earn LP (liquidity provider) tokens, as well as a 0.25% share in the trading fees on all trades in the pool.

  2. Deposit LP tokens from step 1 to the Quick liquidity mining pool using the 'Farms -> LP Mining' tab to earn QUICK.

  3. Stake your QUICK in Dragon's Lair on the same 'Farms -> LP Mining' tab to get dQUICK --- This gets you a share of ALL trading fees that QuickSwap generates.

  1. Dragon's Syrup Pools - Stake your dQUICK to earn ORBS tokens under 'Farms -> Dragon's Syrup' tab.

We are thrilled about this special launch on QuickSwap's Dragon's Syrup, as it is expected to support and strengthen Orbs position in the DeFi space, as well as enhance exposure for the Orbs project to the Polygon ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more information and updates in the official Orbs Telegram and Twitter channels.

Please Note

Use of the Polygon cross-chain bridge, Quickswap, Dragon's Syrup and the other platforms and services described above carries significant risk. Digital assets, decentralized finance products are, by their nature, highly risky, experimental and volatile. Such platforms and services may be subject to security and economic risks and exploits and transactions may be irreversible, final and without refunds. Such use carries risk of substantial losses.

Any use of any platform, application and/or services described above is at your own risk and you are solely responsible for all transaction decisions. You should do your own research and independently review any third party services and platforms and any applicable information terms, conditions or policies applicable to such platforms and services.

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