Orbs Multi-chain Staking is Now Available on the Coin98 Crypto Wallet

Eran Peled
Eran Peled


2 years ago


We are happy to announce that ORBS staking is now available on the Coin98 Crypto Wallet!

This means that Orbs token holders can now stake their ORBS tokens directly from their Coin98 wallet mobile app for Android and iOS.

How to Stake ORBS from the Coin98 Wallet Browser

The staking process is very intuitive and easy. All you need to do is navigate to the Tetra webpage from your Coin98 mobile app and stake your ORBS.

*Not sure how to use Tetra? Check out this simple tutorial.

Orbs recently released its PoS V3: Multi-chain staking on Ethereum and Polygon. The Coin98 wallet supports both the Ethereum and Polygon chains, which means that Orbs token holders can stake on either chain from the Coin98 app.

Here is a short demo video for connecting to Tetra from the Coin98 wallet mobile app:

Coin98: The Ultimate Gateway to DeFi

Coin98 is one of the leading DeFi wallets with over 400,000 users across 150 countries.

The Coin98 wallet is designed to seamlessly connect users to the crypto and DeFi world in a secure and safe manner, offering the following key features:

  • Multi-chain support: Coin98 is connected to 26 of the leading crypto chains, to enable maximum accessibility to leading DeFi services across the crypto ecosystem.
  • DeFi Gateway: Coin98 provides low slippage multi-chain swaps using the top DEX-AMMs supported by its chains such as Uniswap, Sushi, Pancake, etc., as well as a browser to access popular dApps.
  • Rewards system: Using the X-Point tokens, earned for completing various tasks such as referrals for example, which can then be spent on the Coin98 native X-store.

A Variety to Choose From

It is important for the Orbs project that participating in the Orbs Universe is as user friendly and accessible as possible for ORBS token holders. Having Tetra available on mobile is an important step towards that goal. To date, in addition to Coin98, Orbs staking using Tetra is available from the following wallet applications:

About Orbs:

Orbs is a public blockchain infrastructure executed by a decentralized network of permissionless validators using Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus.

Orbs’ unique features designed for interoperability with EVM-compatible blockchains, together with its decentralized network of nodes, allow it to be set up as a separate execution layer (“L3” ) operating to enhance the capabilities of EVM smart contracts. By working in conjunction with other L1 and L2 solutions as part of a tiered blockchain stack, Orbs opens up a whole new spectrum of possibilities for DeFi, NFT, Metaverse and GameFi.

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Any use of any platform, application and/or services described here is at your own risk and you are solely responsible for all transaction decisions. For more information regarding Tetra, please see the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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