Orbs has been added to ICOholder!

Shawn O'Donaghue
Shawn O'Donaghue


a year ago


Orbs has been added to ICOholder, a popular post and pre-ICO project information website!

Established in 2017, ICOholder is a smart tracker, and global analytics platform with a large crypto database, giving users access to real-time, high-quality, reliable market and pricing data.

ICOholder’s main product is data on project token sales, ongoing and historical. While also providing insights into, social media, project news, roadmaps, team members, and more. Beyond project insights, ICOholder also highlights upcoming crypto events, aggregates news, blogs, interviews, and a live Twitter feed of happenings in the industry.

A deep dive into the Orbs ecosystem

ICOholder aggregates exchange data, historical data, and other open-sourced information to provide a comprehensive overview of the Orbs ecosystem.


The Orbs page is broken up into 8 different sections: Crypto details, ICO details, about, roadmap, activity, team, news, and comments from the community on ICOholder. You can find charts and historical data in the first section. Followed by social media happenings underneath the ‘activity tab.’


Orbs has always been an open-source, permissionless project. Transparency and accountability among the Orbs community and stakeholders have always been key values for the project. ICOholder provides a comprehensive analysis of the Orbs network, making it a good place for new users to learn about the project.

About Orbs

The Orbs Network is an open, decentralized, and public blockchain infrastructure executed by a secure network of permissionless validators using Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus.

Orbs is set up as a separate decentralized execution layer operating between existing L1/L2 solutions and the application layer, as part of a tiered blockchain stack, without moving liquidity onto a new chain. Orbs acts as a "decentralized backend", enhancing the capabilities of existing smart contracts and opening up a whole new spectrum of possibilities for Web 3.0, DeFi, NFTs and GameFi.

Orbs was founded in 2017 and launched its mainnet and token in March 2019. Orbs is being developed by a dedicated team of more than 40 people, with team members in Tel Aviv, London, New York, Tokyo, and Seoul.

For more information, please visit www.orbs.com, or join the community at:

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