Orbs Update December 2019

Nate Simantov
Nate Simantov


5 years ago


In this update: Orbs team speaks to US Congress ⁂ Developer Feedback ⁂ Podcast, Messari and BlockTV Interviews ⁂ Orbs Rewards Incoming ⁂ Sey Chain: Yes24 Partnership


Hey guys and gals! It’s the last month of the decade (I know, holy heck). This is the last Monthly Update until 2020, here’s a quick breakdown of what the Orbs core team has been up to this past month. As usual, I will be sharing a separate update for the tech and development side of things in the upcoming weeks here on the Orbs Blog.

Let's do it:

Orbs Around the World

San Francisco Events

This segment was contributed by @gogogili

Last month, I facilitated the organization of a high-level meetup with the co-founder of LinkedIn Eric Ly as part of a Crypto Monday event. Eric co-founded a new blockchain company named Hub. As part of the event, both Danny and I talked about and presented the Orbs vision and roadmap.

The Orbs team is also partnering with Open Music Initiative, a non-profit effort by leading academic institutions, music and media industry organizations, creators, technologists, entrepreneurs and policy experts to create an open-source protocol for the uniform identification of music rights holders and creators. We then took part in a quarterly meeting which took place in NY, where we vote and agree on the operating rules and fundamentals of this super important initiative

Partnership with Calpine Group in India

This segment was contributed by @ranmelamed

Calpine Group is an Indian system integrator (SI) based in Cochin, with offices in the US & Australia. It provides end-to-end technology to startups, SMEs and enterprises in Europe, the Americas and Australia.

Over the past months, we have partnered with Calpine on developing corporate-grade blockchain platforms, based on Orbs technology. The use case we are currently focused on is healthcare. The idea is developing a decentralized platform that allows patients to store and exchange the medical record data over the blockchain. The goal is providing an online application that is used for both telemedicine and direct consultation with doctors, hospitals and any other health record platform.

This is merely the first step of the partnership, in which we see great potential.

World Economic Forum & KAIST workshop

This segment was contributed by @ranmelamed

During mid December, Orbs team members participated in a World Economic Forum workshop held at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) campus in Daejeon, Korea. Its purpose was to bring together public and private sector actors to scope the direction for the forthcoming World Economic Forum project "Reimagining Regulation: Pathways to a Blockchain-Ready World." During the workshop, Orbs representatives discussed how to design regulatory frameworks to support deployment of blockchain. The attendees came from different backgrounds which made the discussions interesting and fruitful.

The Orbs team has taken part in several WEF events recently and are optimistic with regard to the growing scope of this collaboration!


Orbs Team Speaks to Congress

From the full recap post by Danny Brown-Wolf

Earlier this month, I represented the Orbs team in Washington DC for “Demo Day on the Hill”. The event was organized by the Global Blockchain Business Council in conjunction with The Congressional Blockchain Caucus.

It was exciting to see that leaders on the Hill understand that blockchain applications span beyond payments and that they are looking forward to opening doors for the industry to promote innovation across the US!

For more on why the Orbs team was asked to speak and what was presented, read the full summary post: Evangelizing Blockchain to the US Congress

See also: Notable Remarks & Key Takeaways from the GBBC’s Demo Day on the Hill

Sey Chain: Yes24 Partnership

This segment was contributed by @ranmelamed

Korea’s largest online book and ticket store, YES24, has officially launched its highly anticipated Sey Chain, the retail giant’s private blockchain and token ecosystem, running entirely on Orbs technology!

This exciting announcement is the latest to highlight the network’s production capabilities, resilience, scalability, and universality for corporate-grade applications.

Read the full post by Ran: Sey Chain: Partnership between YES24 & Orbs


Expansion Highlights

This segment was contributed by @assaf_bielski

In November, the first consumer app on the Orbs network was launched!

The Open Rights app allows photographers to register their Instagram photos to an external and independent registry on the Orbs blockchain. Users connect their Instagram account to the app and all photos are automatically registered. The app enables users to prove they are the source of the photo in case of copyright infringement, and in the near future, it could help them earn royalties when their photos are used on social media.

The app proved a great success, and we’ve had more than 100,000 transactions (photos registered) on the app within less than a week, and currently approaching 1 million transactions with thousands of users.

The success of the app highlights the market need for copyright protection on the blockchain and enforces our works with news services and photo aggregators in this space. You can join the service at www.open-rights.org


In case you missed it

Top posts from Orbs core team:

+ Sey Chain: Partnership between YES24 & Orbs | Ran Melamed

+ Blockchain-based Solution against SNAP Fraud | Netta Korin

+ Developer Feedback: Interview with UN Hackathon Winners | Nate Simantov

+ The Sweet Spot | SFBW Blog | Gili Ovadia


State of the Network

This segment was contributed by @Andrey,

There are 19 registered Guardians and 16 Validators running in production. There are now over 1700 Delegators participating in the Orbs PoS ecosystem.

In November, 1 Validator was voted out of the network by the Guardians due to unsatisfactory performance.

Stay tuned for the incoming Orbs Rewards post!


Media Highlights

BlockTV Interview with Danny

How can blockchain help in the procurement processes?

Watch the full interview here!


@OdedWx’s Podcast Discussion with MessariCrypto

In the 20+ minute podcast episode, Oded & Ryan Selkis discuss:

+ Building public blockchains for enterprises

+ Enterprise use cases beyond finance

+ How trust will be built into the products of the future

Full episode here:



Next month @gogogili is going to speak about the Orbs network at the Edge Computing Conference taking place in Silicon Valley and at Elevc8con taking place in Vegas. If you are in the West Coast USA for any of those events, please do feel free to get in touch! As we near the end of the decade, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas or Hannuka or whatever you are celebrating! See you next year :) Love, ⁠— Nate

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