백서 및 개발문서

Orbs PoS 유니버스

Orbs PoS V3: 멀티 체인 스테이킹

Published March 2022


오브스 PoS V3: 멀티 체인 스테이킹에 대한 모든 것이 작성되어 있습니다. 세번째 버전에서는 오브스 프로토콜이 최초로 이더리움 메인넷 이외에 또다른 블록체인인 폴리곤 메인넷에서 스테이킹할 수 있게 확장되었습니다.

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Orbs PoS V2: 가디언의 시대 (한글)

Published July 2020


Orbs PoS 매커니즘에 대한 주요 사항들을 정리한 문서입니다

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Orbs PoS Ecosystem V1

Published March 2019


The Orbs Proof-of-Stake (PoS) ecosystem is the back bone of the Orbs network and the Universe that is being created. This document is provided for discussion purposes and presents the PoS architecture and model in its Year Zero genesis, implemented in V1.

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기본 백서

Orbs Technology Overview

Published May 2019


An overview of all major technology and business aspects that make up the Orbs platform.

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Orbs 정책방침서 (한글)

Published August 2017


Orbs 정책방침서 (Position Paper)

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기술 문서들

Decentralized Gasless DAO Governance for TON

Published March 2023


TON.Vote is a completely decentralized, on-chain DAO governance platform built exclusively for the TON ecosystem, developed by the Orbs team. The core user base is anticipated to be TON DAOs, projects, and other TON-related communities requiring governance activities.

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dTWAP for Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)

Published January 2023


This lightpaper outlines the concept and architecture behind Orbs’ new decentralized TWAP protocol and a prototype UI that will allow DEXs to harness this technology to benefit the platform and its users.

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Use of Ethereum as a Base Layer for PoS and PoA Platforms

Published February 2019


We designed Orbs for applications that make use of multiple blockchain platforms (i.e. a hybrid system) because we believe such design makes more sense for complex, real-world use cases. In this paper, we would like to highlight some of the advantages and challenges hybrid designs can bring to infrastructure projects.

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Blockchain Virtualization: A Necessity for Real-World DApps

Published August 2018


In this paper we explore how virtualization solved significant barriers in web application backends, analyze the barriers experienced with current-generation blockchain technology, and explain how virtualization technology offers the potential to overcome these barriers.

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Eliminating the Security-vs-Scalability Dilemma: Randomized-Committee Consensus Protocols

Published August 2018


Current-generation blockchain protocols can determine their level of decentralization on an security-performance spectrum. A new family of consensus protocols enable the maximization of both security and throughput by employing novel cryptographic techniques for trustlessly generating random seeds in a group, without allowing any party to manipulate or predict the randomization results.

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Blockchain Architecture Considerations to Compete with PaaS/Cloud Services

Published August 2018


In this document we present our findings, along with some architecture designs that may be used to create a blockchain platform that is competitive with centralized platforms. These aspects include cost structures, system performance when scaling up, avoidance of platform lock-ins to reduce technical risks, and completeness of the smart contracts environment.

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연구 문서

Helix Consensus White Paper

Published April 2018


An introduction to Helix, a decentralized, scalable and fair consensus algorithm.

*A concise version of this paper is now in proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP ’18). For citations, please refer to the official IEEE page at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8526804

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Enforcing Fairness in Blockchain Transaction Ordering

Published May 2019


In this work, we propose a toolbox of techniques to enforce fair block selection for improved quality of service.

*A version of this paper is now in proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, http://icbc2019.ieee-icbc.org/.

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Fully Distributed Group Signatures

Published April 2019


A group signature scheme is a powerful primitive by which one can sign a message as a member of a well-defined group without leaking one’s individual identity, but the group manager can revoke this anonymity and reveal the identity of the signer. We present two highly efficient fully distributed group signature schemes in this paper.

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Rational Threshold Cryptosystems

Published January 2019


We propose a framework for threshold cryptosystems under a permissionless-economic model in which the participants are rational profit-maximizing entities. The key threat to rational threshold cryptosystems is collusion—by cooperating `illegally’, a subset of participants can reveal the cryptosystem’s secret, which, in turn is translated to unfair profit. Our countermeasure to collusion is framing.

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Accelerating Decentralized Execution of Blockchain

Published August 2018


To allow scalability, we suggest a decentralized execution model in which network nodes interact with a stronger accelerator.

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Bloom Filter with a False Positive Free Zone

Published April 2018


A bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure for set representation with relatively low data storage use.

*This paper appeared at IEEE Infocom, April 2018 – https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8486415.

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ORBS 토큰 정보

Orbs Token Distribution

Published April 2019


This document explains the use of the ORBS token, the total supply and distribution pools.

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Orbs Operation Fees

Published March 2019


This list of operation fees provides the specifics of how the overall vision of stable and predictable operation fees will be implemented in the Orbs network. The goal of predictability is accomplished because the purchasing power of ORBS tokens is fixed as equal to a defined amount of computing power.

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지원 프로그램

오브스 지원 프로그램: 세번째 라운드(ENG)

Published October 2022


The Orbs project is building on the TON Network (ton.org) and is working to provide L3 infrastructure services to TON dapps that can significantly increase their capabilities without relying on centralized infrastructure. In this third call for grants, Orbs is offering developer grants for building and integration work to Orbs core TON protocols. The grants are focused mostly around the TON ecosystem for FunC and TWA developers.

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오브스 지원 프로그램: 두번째 라운드 (한글)

Published August 2021


오브스 프로젝트는 이제 두번째 생태계 지원 프로그램(OEGP)을 시작합니다. 이번에는 오브스 유니버스의 저력을 이끌어내는 애플리케이션에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. ORBS 토큰이 제공하는 인센티브 프로토콜을 통해 오브스 네트워크의 컨센서스에 이르도록 하는 가디언과 델리게이터의 능력를 활용하고자 합니다.

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오브스 지원 프로그램 (ENG)

Published August 2020


Orbs is committed to advance the process of decentralization by involving even more developers and teams in the development of the Orbs ecosystem and is introducing the Orbs Ecosystem Grant Program (OEGP). We believe that the special features of the blockchain infrastructure of the Orbs Network and the incredibly strong and active community in the Orbs PoS Universe together provide a unique opportunity to interface and collaborate with DeFi

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