Orbs is now live on PancakeSwap!

Eran Peled
Eran Peled


3 years ago


In a recent post we announced that the ORBS token is now available on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) using multichain.xyz by Anyswap as a cross-chain bridge between Ethereum and BSC. In that same post, we also examined the meteoric rise of the BSC chain in the DeFi space and compared it to the rival DeFi ecosystem built on Ethereum.

After bridging the ORBS token into BSC, the next step is to integrate it with the BSC DeFi ecosystem - one of the fastest-growing DeFi ecosystems out there.


We are excited to announce that the ORBS token is now available on PancakeSwap!

PancakeSwap is the most popular DEX/AMM on BSC. It is very similar to Uniswap and SushiSwap and was actually one of the first forks of Uniswap that was deployed to BSC. PancakeSwap is also the number one protocol on BSC in terms of TVL according to DefiStation, with a Total Value Locked (TVL) of $8.25B (!!). All this makes PancakeSwap an optimal choice for being the first BSC protocol for Orbs to integrate with.

PancakeSwap is used by traders for swapping between tokens on BSC. This means that from now on, any token found on PancakeSwap can be swapped for ORBS (the BSC-bridged version).

This is an important first milestone to gain a foothold for Orbs on Binance Smart Chain.

Swapping is as easy as flipping pancakes

In order to use Orbs on PancakeSwap, follow the following easy steps:

1. Transfer the Orbs ERC20 token to BSC via multichain.xyz

2. After clicking “TRANSFER”, wait for 2 block confirmations

3. Go to PancakeSwap ORBS swap page and you will now be able to swap your ORBS to any BEP20 token from the list

If you want to buy ORBS tokens on BSC, you can use the same interface and swap any existing token in the list for ORBS.

It is advisable to always verify you are swapping the correct ORBS token by confirming the correct contract address on BSC:


Adding liquidity

Anyone can also participate as a liquidity provider for ORBS on PancakeSwap. To do so, they will need ORBS tokens and BNB tokens in equal value (BNB is the native token of BSC, much like ETH is the native token of Ethereum).

Under the PancakeSwap ORBS/BNB pair this liquidity can be easily added in exchange for Pancake LP tokens.


Explore more about Orbs and DeFi

In the past couple of months, the Orbs project has been prolific in the DeFi space.

Watch this video from KBW 2020 by Orbs co-founder, Tal Kol, to learn about Orbs unique advantages in DeFi (this was the most-watched video in the conference btw).

Here are some of the current projects Orbs is working on:

DeFi.org accelerator

On January 11, Orbs and Binance exchange announced that they are teaming up to promote innovation in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space by serving as the first core sponsors of the DeFi.org accelerator, which bootstraps new projects and DeFi protocols.

Liquidity Nexus

Liquidity NEXUS is the newest DeFi project by the Orbs team for bridging the gap between CeFi and DeFi.

Read more here.

Orbs DeFi Portal

The Orbs DeFi Portal is a project by one of the Orbs project prominent contributors: Paradigm Fund. The portal aggregates everything you need to know about Orbs and DeFi in one place - real-time market data for Orbs liquidity pools, Education materials and how-to manuals for swapping and adding liquidity, research papers, and more...

Orbs DeFi Grant Program

As a decentralized project, Orbs understands the power in community contributions and is always looking for ways to further expand the number of contributors developing the network and ecosystem.

The full details of the grant program are available here.

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